- Doctorate in Education (CALL/TEFL), Curtin University of Technology
- Master of Arts, University of Western Sydney
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL, Charles Sturt University
- Bachelor of Arts, University of Western Sydney/University of New South Wales
- Literacy Teaching, Southern Sydney TAFE
- Moodle Teacher Certification, (EOWE-JHMK-RIBN-LPO2)
- MALL 501: Introduction to MALL
- MALL 502: Media Technology in Education
- MALL 550: Design & Development of Multimedia Instructional Systems
- MALL 551: Analysis & Evaluation of Multimedia in Education
- MALL 552: Network-Based Language Learning
- TESOL 501: Issues in TESOL
- TESOL 502: ESL/EFL Curriculum & Materials Development
- TESOL 503: Methods in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language
- TESOL 552: Seminar in Teaching Listening & Speaking
- TESOL 555: Testing in English Teaching
- TESOL 556: Performance-based Assessment
- TESOL 557: Seminar in Teaching Reading & Writing
- Advanced Academic Writing
- Applied Linguistics
- Pronunciation Theory & Practice
- Speech & Discussion
- Writing Composition
- Pre-College Preparatory Classes
- Assistant Professor, Woosong University
- Assistant Director - Technology, Woosong University
- University Writing Center Advisor, Woosong University
- Senior Editor TESOL Interfaces, Woosong University
- Editorial Board Arab World English Journal, Arab Society of English Language Studies
- Consultant, Jeongseok Research Institute of Logistics & Trade
- Advisor, Counselor, Editor, Teacher Trainer, Lecturer, Inha University
- Curriculum Designer, English Test Bank
- Lecturer, Konyang University
- Lecturer, Daejeon University
- Academic Trainer/Instructor, ULS
- CGEA/ESL/IELTS/ESP/Language & Literacy Instructor, Sydney Community College, Australia
- Literacy Instructor, Bankstown Community College, Australia
- ELICOS/IELTS/ESL/EAP Instructor, Bridge Business College, Australia
- Skillshare & ESL Instructor/Information Technology Development, St George Careers Development Center, Australia
- Kent, D. B. (2019). Technique Efficacy when Using a SRS in the Reading Classroom. Language Learning & Technology, 23(1), 26-35.
- Kent, D. B. (2018). Social Network and Content Analysis of a Language Teacher Association Public Social Networking Service Group. Korean Journal of General Education, 12(3), 187-207.
- Kent, D. B. (2018). Analysis of Timeline Posts to a Language Teacher Organization Public Facebook Group. TOJET – The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(1), 1-10.
- Kent, D. B. (2017). Constructing Visually-based Digital Conversations in EFL with VoiceThread. The Journal of Teaching English with Technology, 17(1), 3-16.
- Kent, D. B. (2016). Analysis of a Korea-based language teacher organization public social networking service. International Journal of Contents, 12(2), 66-74. Http://dx.doi.org/10.5392/IJoC.2016.12.2.066
- Kent, D. B. (2015). Mobile ELT: East and South of the Red Sea. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL 2, 6-21.
- Kent, D. B., & Sherman, B. (2013). Pilot Study for use of Memrise Application by Korean Junior College Students Studying EFL Vocabulary in a Blended Learning Context. STEM Journal, 14(3), 169-192.
- Kent, D. B., & Jones, M. (2012). Using Smart Phones to Create and Deliver Learner-Generated Video Content for Tasks. STEM Journal, 12(3), 129-139.
- Kent, D. B. (2011). Digital Storytelling Implementation in an ECASA Program. STEM Journal, 12(1), 201-229.
- Kent, D. B. (2010). Exploring the Perspectives and Potential of Incorporating Glogster in the University EFL Curriculum. Arab World English Journal, 1(1), 130-170.
- Kent, D. B. (2001). A Survey of Korean University Freshmen Dictionary Use and Perceptions. Korea TESOL Journal, 4(1), 73-92.
- Kent, D. B. (2016). English Language Learning through Animation of Scripted Conversations: Groundwork for a Pilot Project. Global Learn 2016: Global Conference on Learning and Technology. April, 28 – 29. Limerick, Ireland.
Kent, D. B. (2015). Practicing Multimedia Literacy: Crafting Digital Stories in the TEFL/TESOL Context. 2015 TESOL Regional Conference, Excellence in Language Instruction: Supporting Classroom Teaching & Learning. December, 3-5. Singapore.
Kent, D. B., & Barnden, N. C. (2015). Learning through Scripted Conversations and Choices with Grammar and Technology. Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (GLoCALL): Ninth Joint Conference of APACALL and PacCALL. November, 12 -14. Daejon, South Korea.
Kent, D. B. (2015). Developing Multimedia Literacy through Digital Storytelling: Experiences from a South Korean Elementary School English Club. 10th University of Sydney TESOL Research Network Colloquium in conjunction with Macquarie University. September 05, 2015. Sydney, Australia.
Kent, D. B., & Son, HyunHee. (2014). Selecting Web- and App-based Resources using Bloom’s Taxonomy. KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference. October 4-5, 2014. Seoul, South Korea. - Kent, D. B., & Sherman, B. (2013). An App for That: A peek into the Digital Instruction Ecosystem. The 2013 KOTESOL DCC Chapter Thanksgiving Symposium. November 30, 2013. Daejeon, South Korea.
- Sherman, B., & Kent, D. B. Memrise Beyond the Classroom: Student Use of Memrise for Studying Curriculum Vocabulary. 2013 KAMALL International Conference: Smart Language Learning in a Connected World. October 19, 2013. Seoul, South Korea.
- Sherman, B., & Kent, D. B. (2013). Pilot Study Development for Korean EFL Junior College Students Studying Vocabulary in a Blended Learning Context. The 17th STEM International Conference: After-school English Education Energized through Movies and Media. May 11, 2013. Seoul, South Korea.
- Jones, M., & Kent, D. B. (2011). Smart use of Smart Phones: QR Codes in the Classroom. 8th annual Daejeon-Chungcheong KOTESOL Symposium. Saturday, November 26, 2011. Cheonan, South Korea.
- Kent, D. B., Jones, M., & Jones, C. (2011). ELT with VoiceThread. Korea TESOL National Conference Ten Years in: Advancing Korean TESOL in the 21st Century. May 14, 2011. Daejeon, South Korea.
- Kent, D. B. (2010). Digital Storytelling – from theory to practice. TESOL Arabia 16th International Conference: Transformations in TESOL. March 11-13, 2010. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Kent, D. B. (2009). Applicability of Interactive Digital Poster Publishing Tools in the EFL Classroom. EFL Journal and Rajasthan Association of English Studies Inaugural International EFL/ESL Conference: ELT Today and Tomorrow. November 5-7, 2009. Udaipur, Rajasthan. India.
- Kent, D. B. (2006). Development of a Multimedia Software System for Teaching English to South Korean University Students. E-learn 2006 – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. October 13-17, 2006. Honolulu, Hawaii. USA.
- Cavanagh, R., & Kent, D. B. (2005). An Illustrative Example of the Benefits of using a Rasch Analysis in an Experimental Design Investigation. Assessment and Measurement Special Interest Group. Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education. November 27 – December 1, 2005. Sydney, Australia.
- Kent, D. B. (2001). Teaching Konglish: Selected Resources for Students and Teachers. KOTESOL International Conference - The Language Environment: The Classroom and Beyond). October 13 – 14, 2001. Seoul, Korea.
- Kent, D. B. (1999). Speaking in Tongues: Chinglish, Japlish, and Konglish. 2nd Pan-Asian International Conference - Teaching English: Asian Contexts and Cultures. October 1 – 3, 1999. Seoul, Korea.
- Computer Assisted Language Learning: Multimedia and Technology in Education, Teaching and Learning with mobile devices, web-based language learning, computer mediated communication, e-learning
- Educational Research: Research design, focus group methodology, general qualitative methods, qualitative inquiry
- Education: Social and cultural influences, technology and learning, educational policy, communities of practice, professional development models
- English: General writing, academic writing, communication, pronunciation, presentation skills
- Other: Teacher training /development, CourseManagement System Integration, web design, Languages: some Chinese & Korean
WOOSONG UNIVERSITY Graduate School of TESOL- MALL 196-5 Jayang-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea, 300-718
telephone: 042-630-9895 or e-mail: [email protected]
telephone: 042-630-9895 or e-mail: [email protected]